Since I've changed our office/extra room around, my sewing machine is no longer at a desk. It's on top of a storage caddy that I keep everything in. For 2-3 months I had been standing at my machine to sew... awkward! I really needed to find a stool that would work, and Josh actually had one at the church (but I felt bad taking it because he uses it). He helped move our pastor into his new house a couple weeks ago and spotted some stools that weren't being used and jokingly asked how much he would sell them for (not thinking they were for sale). He ended up giving them to us for $0! So we got 2 very similar stools for a great price!
Of course I'm not going to leave them wood colored and tan!! It's my sewing space for goodness sake!! After a coat of primer and a coat of black satin paint... here they are!
This one is sitting in the kitchen/dining room. It's nice to plop a laptop down and have a plug right there and still be around everyone. Please excuse my disgusting floors. My kitchen is red and I want to add blue/yellow accents.
This is the one for my sewing room. I figured I can't go wrong with lots of color!
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