You are about to see a place in my home where I don't let just anyone see. Typically (a few months ago) this room was in pristine condition. I had my sewing area set up, Josh had his desk set up to pay bills/budget, and there was an elliptical set up in there to exercise. It really was the perfect set-up.
Since this is our "spare" room, it is where guests stay. We usually pull an air mattress out of the closet and set it up in the middle of the room, until one day when the air mattress broke (something to do with the valve) and we realized we didn't like that old thing to begin with. It was big, and such a pain (and loud as CRAP to inflate).
So we researched futons. (BTW- have you ever noticed that people use the term 'research' very loosely? Do they REALLY research? Or do they just go to google and read the first 3 hits?) I'll be honest. I didn't RESEARCH. I went to and found the best reviews for the cheapest futon we could find. :) 5% off plus free shipping yes please. I won't be sleeping on it, and the people who will will only be doing so for a very short time period.
We choose black (although I'm not seeing it there anymore). We contemplated the blue- but I am SO glad we went with black....
BECAUSE 2 days after it arrived on our doorstep, I got a positive pregnancy test. Wowzas- change of plans.
So the office went from the "office/exercise/sewing/spare room" to possible future nursery?? That happened fast!
We know at least to begin with we want the 2 kiddos separated. We are really big about building good sleep habits and although I believe it can be done with them in the same room, I'm just not willing to fight it. So whether it's a boy or girl the spare room will become a nursery.
Which means the computer/desk/bill paying area will need to go somewhere else. Here is what the room currently looks like. And NO I didn't do any clean up prior. After pictures are so much sweeter when the before pictures are disastrous.
Some things we are planning... a boy nursery is going to be vintage airplanes theme. I'll probably keep the same crib bedding from Luke because I love it that much. Girl= pink/gray calm.
We just installed a new ceiling fan after going without a light for a month. It is beautiful!
The futon will stay regardless. The two kiddos will bunk together when we have guests. I think Luke will get a kick out of that. (see it underneath the pile of clothes?)
FOSHO new curtains/rods. Ugh I hate these. LOATHE theme as a matter of fact. But they work for now. I don't even like the color green. And those rods? Arrowheads anyone? Both came with the house. I've lived with them for 4.5 years. I think I've done my time.
The closet. This has caused the greatest source of stress for us. Josh is OCD (well CDO- OCD in alphabetical order). There is only one closet in the master bedroom. We have decided to SHARE. gasp. I have no idea HOW this will actually work, but we have 8 months to figure it out! Fortunately the master closet is the largest clothes closet in the house. And I don't rotate my clothes for the seasons. So ALL the time ALL my clothes are in there. I will start clearing out my summer clothes for winter, and vise versa. I will vow to keep my stuff picked up and he will vow to not get frustrated with the hangers not being 2 fingers apart.
The two obvious questions are where is the computer going to go, and where is the sewing stuff going to go? I can answer the computer question. The sewing stuff? I have no idea.
We are going to set up an "office" in the dining room. My vision is to get a desk/hutch that will keep everything we need. There are plenty of houses with desks in the kitchen so as long as it stays nice, I don't see a problem with it! Here are some ideas I've pinned. They are what I see for the space (and we will probably go with white).
The desk will need to house our computer (which fortunately is an all in one meaning there is no tower), the printer, the small shredder we have, and possibly my Silhouette. Also it will need a built in file cabinet.
We have already taken this for a "test" run to see how we like it in the dining room. Here is the set up:
Obviously if we go through with this the collage will have to come down. But I'm ok with that! It'll be a process, but it will be totally worth it. Also if we decide this doesn't work we have a plan B in mind. I just am hoping this goes through because I'm not sold on plan B.
My sewing machine will probably be stored in a closet and since I need the computer to do applique/embroidery I will do that on the dining room table. I tried it out last night and it wasn't bad at all!
That pretty much covers everything (except for the safe in the office). We haven't figured that out yet either.
I do know that the second baby requires waaaaay less "stuff" and buying things. We'll use the same crib, keep the futon in there, get a dresser (possibly from IKEA) that will double as a changing table. We'll paint the closet (it's blue while the rest of the room is tan) and swap out the curtains. Eventually I'll look at an Expedit to store toys and if this ends up being a boy I can see them sharing a room down the road. (which means one room will probably turn into a toy room). Also I mentioned earlier that we had an elliptical. Well we sold it earlier this week!! Wahoo!
Sorry for a LOT of words and not much progress, but I LOVE getting my ideas in one place. Thanks for letting me over-share!!