Although I can’t take a ton of orders at a time, it feels so good to be sewing again!
Here are the most recent things I have done:
Never in my life have I been so scared of piece of material. There is a backstory- About a year ago I had someone ask if I would monogram some bloomers. I didn’t think it could be any harder than monogramming a onesie or anything else with elastic. Was I WRONG and I ate my words. It stitched TOTALLY crooked, and I was so embarrassed. Of course I didn’t charge the customer and I offered to replace the bloomers. She was SOOO generous (as all of my customers seem to be!) and I vowed to stay far away from bloomers. I did end up ordering a pack of bloomers- but they sat and sat. Until I decided to try again this summer- and BIG surprise- it was a TOTAL flop. Crooked again. I guess I was just too embarrassed to take pictures (fortunately this time it wasn’t an order- it was just for fun), but bloomers left me totally defeated.
So I figured it was just about time to try bloomers again! I have since learned a few tricks of the trade to get them on my hoop straight- and I really can’t believe it worked. I do wish the initials would have been farther down on the booty, but I did it a little higher to ensure it was straight- you win some/ you lose some.
Here are some orders I did for a baby shower at work- It was 2 different orders for the same shower.
By the way- the matching flower is a hair clip to match- I haven’t posted these yet on FB but I have a few already made and I can make them with whatever fabric I have.
I’m sure I’ll get frustrated or overwhelmed in the next few months and take another break, but absence makes the heart grow fonder 
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