I have acquired alot of ribbon over the years- whether it's to make a hair bow or add an accent on a burp cloth. I still use my trusty system I organized here. For the most part the ribbon stays confined to these bins, and although I don't use this shelf for my fabric/ribbon anymore (see what I did with it here) I have kept the ribbon bins labeled and in our hall closet.
The only unfortunate part of storing ribbon is the inevitable scrap issue. You are NEVER going to use a whole spool of ribbon, or you just won't have enough to finish a project. Instead of taking up precious real estate in the above bins, I began putting scraps (usually a foot or less) into a ziploc bag.
At one point I had these separated by color in 3 mason jars, but I still had a hard time actually seeing what I had. I was pleased with the scrap in a ziploc bag idea until I came across this pin on pinterest.
That girls has TONS of ribbon that she stores (not just scraps) but the idea of how to store them is WONDERFUL! And guess what? I had everything I needed on hand=FREE! I grabbed a handful of popsicle sticks (the chunky ones), some pins, and my scraps:
and then I started twisting and wrapping! If I had 2 pieces that were the same ribbon but different lengths I put the short one under the long one so it stayed wrapped.
Then it was all secured with a pin!
Gorgeous right?and free which makes me happy! I love that at a glance I can see about how much ribbon I have (half a stick= not very much, a whole stick= a good bit, a whole stick where the ribbon is really thick=more than I thought). The blog where I found this idea did say that when she goes to use the ribbon she usually needs to iron it, but that it's a small price to pay for functionality! LOVE!
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