January is too early for Spring and Valentine's Day is still over a month away.
I jumped on Pinterest to find a winter inspired door. January and February are our most brutal winter months so a snowflake sounded like the perfect solution!
Here was my inspiration:
As I began my project I kept referring to the inspiration picture. Except mine was turning out really wonky. The angles weren't matching, and I was getting frustrated.
I went back to Pinterest to find a tutorial; cause I was about to throw the whole project away!
I'm not going to go into how I made it, because the tutorial I found was PERFECT! I followed her instructions step by step. The trick was to make 3 long "sticks" that was 5 popsicle sticks in length. I built my entire snowflake from those 3 sticks.
Here was my creation before it was painted:
Spray paint would have made painting this ALOT easier, but I didn't have any on hand, so I used a paint brush and our trim paint (Moonrise by Behr).
Although this isn't a "Christmas" project, it's something that I would need to do over Christmas. So doing it now saved me some time during the craziest month of the year!
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