101 in 1,001 {the first time}

101 goals-1,001 days
Ending date: March 5, 2014

Since this date has passed I am done updating this list. I was able to accomplish most (but not all my goals!) Check out the current one here. It's really a fun way to keep up with things you want to do!!

4. Learn to make a cheesecake from scratch
5. Bake a carrot cake
6. Grow an herb in my kitchen or garden and use it in a dish
7. Make an oatmeal smoothie.

Fun and Entertainment
9. Go ice skating
10. Finish reading the Baxter series by Karen Kingsbury
11. Visit Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge
12. Visit an apple orchard and pick apples
13. Read “The Last Lecture” by Randy Pausch
14. Carve our names into a tree: I have a GREAT idea for this…
15. Go to the Stone Mtn laser show

Health and Fitness
16. Have laser eye surgery
17. Get through Jillian's 30-day shred
18. Drink 64oz. of water a day for a week
19. Lose 10 lbs
20. Do a cleanse or detox for general well-being
21. Learn CPR again (the rules have changed since I learned it last)
22. Get Sadiedog’s teeth cleaned

For me
23. Create a few ringtones so I don’t have the boring tones that I hear EVERYWHERE I go
24. Have personalized labels made (or make my own ala pinterest)
25.  Save my amazon swagbuck cards and buy a Cricut Silouhette CAMEO (I didn't save my swagbucks because I was too impatient and found a deal I couldn't resist)
26. Catch up in Luke's journal/baby book
27. Make pregnancy book and Luke’s first year book. I have been wanting to document all my week by week preggo pictures (that are now over 4 years old- HOLY COW!) and Luke’s month- by- month onesie photos.
28. Buy 2 swimsuits that actually fit me.
29. Use all my lotion before I buy more
30. Go to the dermatologist for a mole check. 
31. Go to the dermatologist for a mole check.
32. Go to the dermatologist for a mole check. This is so important to me I made it 3!
33. Complete a Beth Moore study
34. Lose the rest of my baby weight and keep it off.
35. Drink only water (except coffee) for a month.
36. Update my Embroidering page with new pictures
37. Have my wedding dress preserved.

For Hubby
38. Purchase me a bike and go on a bike ride (this is something that he’s been wanting to do for me- and he loves biking- so it’s not entirely selfish)
39. Bake his favorite homemade cake for his birthday 
40. Watch (and stay awake) 5 movies that hubby wants to watch (Iron Man, Black Hawk Down, the Bourne Legacy, Captain Phillips) (4/5)
41. Get up and make breakfast on Saturday morning. 
42. Get away for the weekend without the baby
43. Learn to shoot his gun
44. Make him a book with reasons why I love him (have some ideas pinned on Pinterest)

For Luke
45. Cloth Diaper- we started at 18 months. It's never too late right?
46. Create a place to display his work.
48. Finish his baby book.
49. Make him a comforter/quilt for his big boy bed. <-----we bought a comforter- same difference
50. Take him on a train ride to Lulu and Pops’
51. Blog his birth story (2nd birthday)
52. Have Luke meet each of his great-grandparents (3/3)
53. Find out his blood type (B+)
54. Teach him his ABCs and how to count from 1-10
55. Preserve his coming home outfit in a shadowbox. 

Just because…
57. Create an emergency preparedness kit- I saved a magazine article about this- I just need to DO IT!
59. Create a prayer jar and teach Luke how to pray. 
60. Get an online calendar set up so Josh and I can be on the same page about events.
61. Have family portraits taken (at least) once each year in the Fall (2/3)- One setting I want at a railroad track/train station. 
62. Visit the graves of each of my grandparents (4/4)
63. Send expired coupons to the troops.  
65. Make homemade laundry soap
66. Set up a calendar and put all family/friends birthdays/anniversaries on it. The sad this is: I did this and I still didn't send cards... I guess I really just don't like cards... I need to get better at phone calls. 
67. Start a family blog to keep family members updated. 
68. Laugh until it hurts.

For the Home
69. Paint our front door/side door
73. Replace the master vanity.
74. Replace the bathroom floors (hall bathroom/master bathroom)
75. Finish glossy stripes in bathroom. 
76.  Have my sewing machine oiled and tuned up
77. Store wedding picture CD and DVD in safe. 
78. Paint moulding/trim in the house
79. ORB all the hinges and doorknobs in the house
80. ORB the patio set. 
81. Finish my white frame collage in the hallway stage 1 stage 2
82. Purchase 4 canvases for artwork for the house. 
83. Put up an inspirational quote in the laundry room I consider this one done…. I bought a piece of art that says “Life is like laundry… loads of fun.”

84. Go back to Biltmore and stay in the Inn again (although we didn't stay in the Inn, we did spend a weekend at Biltmore!- the Inn was going to run us $600 for 2 nights- no thanks). 
85. Go to a state I’ve never been to before (states I’ve visited: Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, South Carolina, North Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois, Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Texas, California, Hawaii)- so I guess most states out west are safe.
86. Visit the Diamond National Park in Arkansas and look for diamonds

Financial/grown up stuff
87. Save all coin change for a month and see how much it =s. (5.95!)
88. Finish paying off the deck.89. Buy a Mac.
90. Pay off hospital bills from Luke’s birth ($15,000 covered by insurance- about $3,00o OOP!)
91. Pay off the truck=no car payments
93. Have at least 3 months worth of income in savings
94. Finish our will
95. Research and open a retirement account
96. After paying off the truck, buy me a new SUV minivan that I LOVE and have a down payment for it. (my how times have changed since having kids!)

Major long term goals (that I know won’t get accomplished in this amount of time)-
97. Ride an elephant/go on a safari
98. Visit Iceland/the Blue Lagoon (Josh’s birth country)
99. Have a 2nd child
100. Family trip to Disney World
101. Adopt a “War” Dog

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