High Five for Friday!

It's Friday again!! Friday is self proclaimed pajama day around here. What am I going to do when Luke goes to school 5 days a week? Except I'm not in my pjs today! I'm headed to Savannah with the hubby for a weekend away! Yay!

1. Going for walks and bike rides has become almost a daily routine. Luke found some buddies. I promised him that we'd bring bread next time. These guys are incredibly friendly and when Luke threw a piece of grass in the water they flew FAST toward him thinking it was food. Sweet.

2. Emmie is getting into e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. I mean I've had a mobile baby before and I don't remember this! Any speck on the floor will be in her mouth in no time. And anything that looks fun (besides toys) is played with!
3. I am getting really excited about Luke's big boy bed. One night when I was putting him down for bed I asked him if he still liked his Thomas bed. He said "Yeah, but I really want a bigger bed." I told him we could do that but that Thomas would be going to someone else's home. And I keep telling him that just so when we make the transition it isn't a meltdown.
His mattress arrived (in a box!) and I'm excited to open it and get it set up! Details later!
4. I'm going to mention it again in the monthly recap on Monday, but I've been in a sewing mood! Strike while the iron's hot right? Mom and I sat down one night this week to try make sense of a pattern (ha!).
5. I snagged this beauty from an online yard sale (it was FREE). All 7.5 feet of it. I didn't think it'd be as wide as it is, but it was free so who cares. Confession? It's too heavy to take apart myself so it will sit. And to all my neighbors totally giving me the side eye about there being a Christmas Tree in the garage... Merry Christmas!


  1. Hello from the link up! Your kids are absolutely adorable :) Glad you've been enjoying lots of walks and bike rides together. Those make for precious moments! Wishing you and your family a lovely weekend!!

  2. Oh this is getting me so excited about having my baby! I totally want pajama days with the kids. :) I just keep thinking that I'm going to be having a tiny baby forever but they do grow up, get big boy beds and go to school! Your family is so sweet! I totally love sewing, crocheting etc but it comes in waves for me too! Saying hello from The Lauren Elizabeth linkup!
