The information I found online also suggested to write everything down along with serial numbers. I’m not going to do that, but I did say brand names and the sizes of things (computer, TV, etc…)
These need to be stored in a safe place, and seeing as a natural disaster could take everything from your home, your house isn’t a good place for it. Although a safe deposit box is ideal, we don’t have one- but we do have a fire proof, waterproof safe that we will store this in. It has a copy of our wedding CD and other things that we feel the need to protect. It literally weighs a ton, so we’re not too worried about it blowing away. Also another idea is to store a copy at your house and at a relatives house (under the assumption that one house will be ok, if the other isn’t)
I plan to update this video yearly or as often as we feel necessary. And BONUS- this is #91 off the list!
Here are some of the websites I used:
This website is the one that suggested the video. Genius.
This website is the one that suggested the video. Genius.
This website had a great idea that suggested using drop box to “drop” your photos onto a friends computer so they are not all stored on your main computer.
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