1. Luke and I are headed to Florida this weekend with my family. Josh needed to stay behind in case anything came about with his arm (he has an appointment while we are gone) and he graciously volunteered to keep Emberly while we're gone. I'm excited about being able to focus just on my little man!
2. I finally got pictures hung on our walls. It's beginning to feel like home!
3. I seriously think I've done 25 loads of laundry this week. Between washing things for consignment sales, keeping up with normal laundry, cloth diapers, and making sure we have clean laundry for our trip I definitely think my washer/dryer will be happy to see me go for a while.
4. Speaking of consignment sales... I am super excited about getting rid of some stuff and making some cash! The best part? My kids really don't need anything for the summer season which means I don't have to turn the $ around and buy more clothes!
5. Emberly is doing SUPER with baby led weaning. Her favorite foods are avocados and hummus- something her brother still won't touch. She loves to feed herself green beans, potatoes, bananas, and really anything soft enough to gum. She turned 8 months this week and still doesn't have any teeth!
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