Week of April 30-May 4

What a week this was. It flew by (and I know each week will just get faster and faster from now until June).

I haven't posted since Tuesday and it feels like I just posted yesterday. I have been super busy with lots of errands to run each day! I got my hair cut Monday, had a youth dinner at church Wednesday, put together a new train bed for Luke on Thursday, and I have been working on 2 sewing orders! I feel like I literally shut my eyes at night and it is time to hit the ground running again the next day!

School is winding down. I can't believe this year is almost over. (actually I can). But I am so ready for summer. I've found that as a mommy I look less forward to sleeping in and more forward to spending time with my beautiful family. I can't wait to play ALL DAY! (one of the many perks of both of us working in the school system!).

I have had some health related issues that have me down this week. Although I'm not ready to talk about those things, I am in a waiting pattern until AUGUST to be seen by doctors again. It's a wait and see situation, and I'm not a wait and see type person.

Luke's new sayings this week were "make me momma" as I was trying to get him ready for bed one night, and "meeeeee". I would ask "who's getting a bath tonight" and he'd say "meeeeee!" In the past he said "Duke!" (for Luke). I almost think he's starting to realize the whole talking in first person as opposed to third person. I'm looking forward to his school play next week, muffins with mom next week, and his first field trip the next week! Oh my is he really old enough to go on a field trip????

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