You know I love passing on good deals and I just couldn't keep this amazing company to myself!
I have a very strict grocery/toiletry budget that I stick to every month. Those months that Josh mentions that he needs razors I absolutely CRINGE. I know that $30 of the budget will be going to razors. And although those months are very few and far between, there's a part of me that feels like $30 or more if I need them is entirely too much to spend.
A few months ago a friend shared an Instagram post about this company called Dollar Shave Club. Maybe you've heard about this club, but I hadn't. And I was totally intrigued. Please excuse their not so nice word in their subtitle. I promise their products are awesome or else I totally wouldn't share!
Basically it's a subscription service. You sign up for free and they send you razors every month.
They have 3 razor options:
1. The Basic which is $1/month + $2 S&H and includes 5 cartridges.
2. The 4x (4 blades) which is $6/month + Free S&H and includes 4 cartridges.
3. Then the Executive which is $9/month + Free S&H and includes 4 cartridges.
I was planning to wait until Father's Day to sign up Josh and then the dreaded "month" came that he needed razors and I decided I wasn't paying another dime (or 30 George Washington's) to Gillette. I'm no stranger to subscription services (I love birchbox) so I signed him up for the Executive razor and we weren't disappointed. Since he doesn't have to shave everyday we anticipate his "monthly" supply has lasted well over a month.
Also after you place your first order they allow you to change the shipment to once every 2 months! Even better. I also love that this allows me to grab some razors (we all know guys razors are better than girls) when I need some. So we signed up in February and Josh got his 4 Executive razors, they lasted through March (and he still has more) so for our April shipment I changed it to the $1 razors plus $2 S&H. I have used them for about a week and they are comparable to my Venus razors. A little known fact about me is I have to shave my legs everyday-regardless of winter/pants/bum days- my legs are always shaved. So I know my razors- and I am really impressed!
The first time you place your order they will send you the wand, but after the first time it is just the cartridges. So if you go through all the different kinds, you'll end up with 3 different wands. You can always order more.
I also love that I can throw in a shave butter treat for a gift or just because. Love this subscription service!! If we keep on the schedule we're planning we'll get the $1 razors in April (which is actually $3 with S&H), the $9 razors in June, the $1 razors in August, and the $9 in October. So in 9 months we would end up spending $33! Not bad since that's about what I spent in one month (and I did that at least 3 times a year) with Gillette!!
And as the cherry on top? Clark Howard, Mr. Frugal Guru has recommended this club. He did an experiment to see if a disposable razor would last a year (which is did). You can read more about that here.
Of course there's perks if you sign up through us, but no pressure there. Just PM me on facebook if you want the code. Have I mentioned we LOVE saving money!
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