Here are some Fall things that we’ve been doing:
I made this shirt for a great little girl. Idea came from Pinterest and I just recreated it with some fabric/buttons I already had.
I am so into interchangeable canvases for the seasons! I LOVE this because it is all our fingerprints… the big ones are Josh’s, medium are mine, and itty bitties are Luke
The Thankful Tree. Enough said. I am going to take this a step further when Lman is older we’ll all write what we’re thankful for on each of the circles of paper.
Although I’m taking a small sewing break, I figured I’d show a couple orders I’m finishing up. These 2 are for another sweet little girl. So fun to make little girl shirts!!
We still need to go to a pumpkin patch and get our pumpkins! I think Luke will really enjoy that. I can’t wait to share my bathroom paint project that is coming along alot more slowly than I’d like.
Lman is fighting a cold, but other than a snotty nose and coughing-til-he-vomits, he seems ok. I guess colds go hand in hand with cooler weather.
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