1. Emberly is sleeping through the night! It's Ahhhh-mazing! I forgot what a deep, non-interrupted, 10 hour sleep felt like. Thankyoulittlegirl!
2. I finally caught up on Bachelorette. When the rest of the world was watching part 1 of the finale, I was on hometowns- yep, such a shame. P.S. I know the world really doesn't care about Bachelorette.
3. I pulled out Luke's cloth diapers for Emberly. Hard to believe we are about to be on stage 2! Her stage 1 diapers say they fit until 18lbs, but at 14lbs they are getting snug. Plus whipping out the BumGenius will give me more to pull from=less loads of laundry per week.
4. Josh got an offer of conditional employment! Of course there are still going to be many steps in this journey, and this is NOT a guaranteed job, but it's the closest we've been in a while.
5. We are in the final preparations for renting our house! The lease was updated last night and we are just about ready to roll. It's so weird to think that we'll only be here another month. I'm excited about this step, but it's all very bittersweet. I can't imagine if we were selling how I would feel.
Now I need to start packing. And planning a yard sale. Since we will be living with my parents indefinitely I have to pack really strategically. What things will we need while we're there? What can get stored? All our furniture will need to go to storage. This is all just mind boggling!
It's my birthday weekend and I am excited about a night out with hubs baby/child free. Yay!
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